

作者:110网 律师  时间:2014年10月09日
法律依据  (一)《中华人民共和国外资企业法》(根据20001031第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议修正)第六条;
审批机关  投资总额在1亿美元及以上的鼓励类、允许类外商投资企业,投资总额在5000万美元及以上限制类的外商投资企业,由深圳市贸易工业局初审,上报商务部核准。
申报材料 (一)设立外商投资企业申报材料1、设立外资企业申请书(原件1份,投资者签字盖章);2、可行性研究报告(原件1份、投资者签字、盖章);3、外资企业章程(正本4份,投资者签字并加盖公章);4、外资企业法定代表人人选(或者董事会人选名单,如有)(原件1份);5、经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使(领)馆认证的外国投资者的注册登记证明或身份证明文件(原件1份),香港、澳门或台湾地区投资者应当依法提供经当地公证机构公证的注册登记或身份证明文件(原件1份),投资者资信证明文件(原件1份);6、工商行政管理部门出具的名称核准书(复印件1份);7、质量技术监督管理部门出具的《全国组织机构代码预赋码通知单》(办理批准证书专用联)8、填报《外商投资企业(台港澳侨)批准证书存根》1份;9、对可能造成环境影响的项目,提交环保部门出具的环保批文(原件、复印件各1份);10、外国投资者或香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者与境内法律文件送达接受人签署的《法律文件送达授权委托书》(原件1份)。前列13项文件必须用中文书写;245项文件可以用外文书写,但应当附中文译文(可自行翻译,投资者签字盖章;如由专业翻译公司翻译的,提交翻译公司证明材料)。两个或者两个以上外国投资者共同申请设立外资企业,应当将其签订的合同副本报送审批机关备案。(二)设立外商投资商业企业的申报材料1、投资者签署的设立企业申请书(原件1份);2、投资各方共同签署的可行性研究报告(原件1份);3、投资者签字盖章的合同、章程(外商独资商业企业只报送章程,下同)及其附件(原件4份);4、投资各方的银行资信证明(原件1份)、投资各方的营业执照或者注册登记证明或身份证明(加盖企业公章的中方企业法人营业执照复印件1份;经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使[]馆认证的外国投资者的注册登记证明或身份证明文件原件1份,香港、澳门或台湾地区投资者应当依法提供经当地公证机构公证的注册登记或身份证明文件原件1份)、法定代表人证明(复印件1份);5、投资各方经会计师事务所审计的最近一年的审计报告(复印件1份,成立不满1年的企业或投资者为自然人时可不提供审计报告);6、对中国投资者拟投入到中外合资、合作商业企业的国有资产的评估报告(原件1份);7、拟设立外商投资商业企业的进出口商品目录(打印,原件1份);8、拟设立外商投资商业企业董事会成员名单及投资各方董事委派书(如有)(打印,原件1份);9、工商行政管理部门出具的企业名称预先核准通知书(复印件1份);10、质量技术监督管理部门出具的《全国组织机构代码预赋码通知单》(办理批准证书专用联);11、拟开设店铺所在地政府商务主管部门出具的符合城市发展及城市商业发展要求的说明文件(如在深圳市开设店铺,由深圳市贸易工业局内部审核)(原件1份);12、填报《外商投资企业(台港澳侨)批准证书存根》1份;13、外国投资者或香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者与境内法律文件送达接受人签署的《法律文件送达授权委托书》(原件1份)非法定代表人签署文件的,应当出具法定人委托授权书。审批时限  投资限额以下的,自决定受理之日起5个工作日内由深圳市贸易工业局作出审批许可决定。投资限额以上的,自决定受理之日起5个工作日内由深圳市贸易工业局作出上报商务部决定。
注册登记设立外资企业的申请经审批机关批准后,外国投资者应当在收到批准证书之日起30 天内向深圳市工商行政管理局申请登记,领取营业执照。外资企业的营业执照签发日期,为该企业成立日期。外国投资者在收到批准证书之日起满30天未向工商行政管理机关申请登记的,外资企业批准证书自动失效。同时外资企业应当在企业成立之日起30天内向税务机关办理税务登记。经营期限外资企业的经营期限,根据不同行业和企业的具体情况,由外国投资者在设立外资企业的申请书中拟订,一般外商投资企业的经营期限是15年到30年。如果投资额较大、建设期限较长、投资回报率较低的项目,生产复杂产品,需要外方先进的关键技术的项目,生产具有国际性竞争力的项目,这些外资企业的期限可以申请延长至50年,报审批机关批准。外资企业的经营期限,从其营业执照签发之日起计算。外资企业经营期满需要延长经营期限的,应当在距经营期满180天前向审批机关报送延长经营期限的申请书。审批机关应当在收到申请书之日起30天内决定批准或者不批准。外资企业经批准延长经营期限的,应当自收到批准延长期限文件之日起30天内,向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记手续。 
Guidelines for Establishing Foreign-funded EnterprisesLegal Basis1.         Article Six of the Law of The People’s Republic of China on Foreign-Capital Enterprises(as pursuant to the amendment of the law in the Eighteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on October 31, 2000)2.         Article Seven of the Detailed Rules for Implementing the Law of The People’s Republic of China on Foreign-Capital Enterprises (amended as pursuant to the Notice of Amending the ‘Detailed Rules for Implementing the Law of The People’s Republic of China on Foreign-Capital Enterprises by the State Council, Order of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, No.301)3.         Rules for Guiding Investment Direction of Foreign Businessmen (Order of the State Council No. 346 on February 11, 2002)4.         Decision of Reform of Investment System by the State Council [state-development (2004) No. 20 appendix: List of Investment Projects Approved by the Government (Year 2004 version)] Article 12Establishing ConditionsThe establishment of a foreign enterprise must benefit the development of the national economy of China, and facilitate the achievement of significant economic benefits. The state encourages foreign enterprises which adopt advanced technologies and equipment, engage in R&D for new product development, improve products and save energy and raw materials. The state also encourages the establishment of foreign enterprises that export products.Foreign enterprise applications must not be approved in any of the following cases.1.         Damage the sovereignty of China or social common interest.2.         Jeopardize the national security of China.3.         Breach the laws and regulations of China.4.         Fail to comply with the requirements on the national economic development of China.5.         Risk causing environmental pollution.Foreign enterprises can only conduct business activities within the scope of business operations specified on the industrial and commercial operation license. In the case of a change of the scope, the enterprise must apply for approval of the specified change.Review and Approving DepartmentForeign-funded enterprises that are either encouraged or licensed to operate in China with a total investment amount of USD 100 million or more, and foreign-funded enterprises that are restricted from operations in China with a total investment amount of USD 50 million are reviewed initially by the Shenzhen Trade & Industry Bureau and submitted to the Ministry of Commerce for final approval.Where the establishment of the foreign-funded enterprise complies with any of the following cases, the Ministry of Commerce authorizes the Shenzhen Trade & Industry Bureau to approve or reject the application.1.         Foreign-funded enterprises in the categories of encourage and permission with a total investment amount of USD 100 million or less, and the foreign-funded enterprises in the restricted category with a total investment amount of less than USD 50 million2.         Foreign-funded enterprises that do not need the additional allocation of raw materials by the state, do not affect the quota of fuel, power, transportation and foreign trade, and do not affect other national balances3.         Foreign-funded enterprises which do not seek export quota and license for product exports issued by the departments of the state concerned, or those which seek such export quota and license but have gained the consent of the departments of the state concerned before the submission of the project proposal4.         Enterprises which are reviewed and approved by the departments authorized by the State Council or the local people’s government as pursuant to laws and regulationsDocuments to Be Submitted1.         Documents to be submitted for the establishment of foreign-funded enterprisesl           Application for the establishment of a foreign-funded enterprise (one original complete with the signature of the investor and official seal)l           Feasibility Report (one original complete with the signature of the investor and official seal)l           Articles of Association of the foreign-funded enterprise (four originals complete with the signature of the investor and official seal)l           Candidate for the post of legal representative of the foreign-funded enterprise (or list of directors of the board if available) (one original)l           The registration certification or ID certification of the foreign investor (one original) notarized by the notary of the resident country and verified by the Chinese embassy or consulate. In the case of a Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan investors, the registration certification or ID certification of the foreign investor (one original) notarized by the local notary and the credibility certification of the investor (one original)l           Approval document of the company name issued by the Industrial and Commercial Administrative Management Bureaul           Notice of Pre-endowed Codes of National Organization Codes (slip for handling approval certification)l           One copy of completed Approval Certification of Foreign-funded Investors (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau Expatriates)l           In the case that the project may affect the environment, the document of environment protection issued by the environment protection department (one original and one photocopy)l           Legal Document Delivery Authorization (one original) signed by the foreign investor or Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan investor and by the recipient of the legal document delivery within the territory of ChinaThe comprising items 1 and 3 must be written in Chinese, and the documents for items 2, 4 and 5 can be written in a foreign language, but must be accompanied with Chinese translation (self translation is allowed but the investor must sign and approve the translation; in the case of translation carried out by a professional translation company, the certification of the translation company must be submitted). Where two or more foreign-funded investors jointly apply for the establishment of a foreign-funded enterprise, the copy of their signed contract must be submitted to the review and approving department for registration purpose.2.         Documents to be submitted for the establishment of foreign-funded commercial enterprisesl           Application for the establishment of the enterprise signed by the investor (one original)l           Feasibility Report signed jointly by all investing parties (one original)l           The contract and Articles of Association signed by the investor (only the latter in the case of a foreign-funded enterprise with sole proprietorship) and their appendixes (four originals)l           The bank credibility certification of the investing parties (one original), business license or registration certification or ID (photocopy of the business license of the Chinese legal representative complete with the official seal; one original of the registration certification or ID certification of the foreign investor notarized by the notary of the resident country and verified by the local Chinese embassy or consulate; and one original of the registration or ID certification notarized by the local notary for a Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan investor), and the certification of the legal representative (one photocopy)l           The audit report of the investing parties in the previous year by an accounting firm (one photocopy; exempt from providing such a report in the case that the enterprise has been established for less than one year or the investor is a natural person)l           The evaluation report of the state-owned asset planned to be inputted into the joint venture or cooperative commercial enterprise by the Chinese investor (one original)l           The list of the exported and imported commodities of the foreign-funded commercial enterprise to be established (printed, one original)l           The list of the directors of the board of the foreign-funded commercial enterprise to be established and the designation of the board directors by all investing parties (printed, one original)l           Notice of initial approval of the company name issued by the Industrial and Commercial Administrative Management Bureau (one photocopy)l           Notice of Pre-endowed Codes of National Organization Codes (slip for handling certification approval)l           Descriptive document specifying the compliance of the enterprise with the requirements of city development and city commercial development, issued by the department of the local government responsible for commercial affairs in the place where the establishment is set up (for example, if a shop is opened in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Trade & Industry Bureau must perform internal review and approval) (one original)l           One copy of Approval Certification of Foreign-funded Investors (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau Expatriates)l           Legal Document Delivery Authorization (one original) signed by the investor for a foreign country, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan and by the recipient of the legal document delivery within the territory of ChinaIn the case of a document signed by the non legal representative, the authorization by the legal representative must be produced.Period of Review and ApprovingIn the case of an enterprise with an investment amount below the investment limit, the Shenzhen Trade & Industry Bureau must make the decision of approving or rejecting the application within five (5) working days as from the day the application is accepted. In the case of an enterprise with an investment amount over the investment limit, the Shenzhen Trade & Industry Bureau must make decision of submitting to the Ministry of Commerce or returning it within five (5) working days as from the day the application is accepted.For the establishment of foreign-funded international cargo transportation agents (excluding international courier service) directly approved by the Shenzhen Trade & Industry Bureau, the decision of approval or rejection must be made within fifteen (15) working days as from the day the application is accepted. For the “establishment of foreign-funded commercial enterprises (excluding commodities and businesses not approved by the Ministry of Commerce), the decision of approval or rejection must be made within thirty (30) working days from the day the application is accepted.RegistrationAfter the application to establish a foreign-funded enterprise is reviewed and approved by the authorities concerned, the foreign investor must apply to the Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administrative Management Bureau for registration within thirty (30) days from the day the approval is received, and obtain the business license. The date of the issuance for the business license of the foreign-funded enterprise also constitutes the founding date of the enterprise. Where the foreign investor fails to apply to the Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administrative Management Bureau for registration within thirty (30) days as from the day the approval is received, the approval of the establishment of the foreign enterprise automatically becomes invalid. Meanwhile, the foreign-funded enterprise must handle taxation registration at the taxation department within thirty (30) days founding date.Duration of Business OperationThe license period for foreign-funded enterprises is specified in the application for the establishment of a foreign enterprise by the foreign investor in accordance with the actual situation. Normally the duration is fifteen (15) to thirty (30) years. In cases where the project involves substantial investment, a long construction cycle, and low Return on Investment (ROI), and complicated products are produced and advanced key technologies required, and where the projects demonstrates international competitiveness, the duration can be extended to fifty (50) years, and must be reported to the review and approving department for approval.The duration of business operation of the foreign-funded enterprise starts from the day of the issuance of the business license.Where the business license expires and an extension is required, the enterprise must submit an application for extension to the review and approving department within one hundred and eighty (180) days before the expiry of the business operation. The review and approving department must issue a within thirty (30) days after receiving the application. Where the license is approved, the enterprise must handle the registration formalities related to the change at the Industrial and Commercial Administrative Management Bureau within thirty (30) days after receiving the approval of the extension.



